Those of you who love to have a challenge and prefer to do creative crafts and therefore making your own music box may contain a lot of fun. Listed below are directions to create a unique music package called Around the world. Things you need Incomplete recipe package of 5 wide * 3 deeply * 4 high 18 note key wind audio activity T-bar winding key, De coupage sandpaper wood sealer. Attractive components for music field such as choice of stamps, greeting card or postcard with traveling photograph 2 brown really sued strips, 1/2 wide * 16 long 2 buckles, 4 metal part brackets, 5/8 hasp catch, 1 * 5/8 little padlock. Acrylic paint color: blue- grey, glues and spray sealer, professional power glue tacky glue shine spray sealer, instruments and brushes, drill with drill bit hammer old paintbrushes paintbrush ruler scissors X-acto knife. Collect detail by detail 1. Use sandpaper, sand box and use an old paintbrush, apply wood sealer for the box by following a manufacturers directions. Allow to dry thoroughly. To study additional information, consider checking out: [[|needs]] . 2. Make use of a paintbrush, paint the field inside and outside with blue gray acrylic paint. 3. By utilizing an old paintbrush, use a thin layer of decoupage to field and sides of the cover, working an area of approximately 3 square at any given time. Place stamps on the box and cover sides, overlapping them as desired. Such that it might be cut open later stamps should be placed over opening between box and cover. Use a ruler and an X-acto knife, cur greeting card to match top of the field. Apply a thin layer of decoupage to motorcycle top and place card in place. 4. Through the use of a vintage paintbrush, apply a thin layer of tacky glue to wrong side of one ultra suede strip. Start from the front left corner, in from 1 and side from bottom, press strip to the box. Slip a buckle on and create a small opening to support the stem of the buckle at center 1 in the end. Using scissors, cut edges of ultra suede strip on the 45 degree angle. Repeat the process for remaining ultra suede strip on the 45 degree angle. Repeat the procedure for remaining ultra suede strip on the other side of field. Allow to dry completely. 5. Now use the knife and carefully cut the opening between your box and lid, beginning the back. 6. Next drill a hole in the center back of box from the underside. Use industrial strength glue, glue musical activity inside package, making sure the winding key base is centered in opening. Give it time to dry thoroughly. 7. Carefully sort the corner supports on the package. Turn the box back side down, center hasp hammer in nails catch and carefully. Then take padlock on hasp hook and wind on winding key. Fill your box with favorite holiday pictures. To learn more, visit our suggested website