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Perhaps you have heard this expression before, Put some lipstick o-n that pig, and prettier her up. Well, have you ever got an URL that's unpleasant and long. Maybe you've an affiliate link or perhaps you've numerous URLs that you want to point to the same place. In this essay, I'm going to move you through the process of getting the URL and sending the domain-name. First, for the sake of this short article, I will be using GoDaddy.com to take care of the forwarding. Purchase your URL( s). Throughout the purchasing process, if you don't currently an account with them, you'll set one-up. Next, log-in to your consideration. Should people require to be taught more on http://www.nickvassilev.com , we know about lots of libraries people might investigate. In your main screen, you will have a listing of your URLs. Put a check in the checkbox of the URL you would like to forward. You will see a button that says Forward Names Of Domain. Press the button. You will be taken towards the forwarding names of domain page. Towards the right, there will be considered a textbox requesting the URL that you want sent by the prettier URL. The following option is always to mask the first URL. The intent behind this really is to cover the original link from the user. The next option would be to enter a masked name. This bad name will show in the the surface of the visitor. The following selection is the Masked Description Meta-Tag. This program is always to enter an alternative description of-the site. And lastly, there's an option for Masked Keyword Meta-Tag. Here-you can input some new keywords. After you have joined in the information, click the Save your self Changes Once you have saved your adjustments, allow up to 24-hours for the change to take effect. Often it happens in just a number of hours. Your user will press the URL, when finished and they'll be forwarded to the initial site. Example: http://www.myprettylink.com | -> http://username.myaffiliatesite.com/somefolder/anotherfolder/home?c=12345 Maybe you wish to provide a product from ClickBank. You will get an internet link. Now you wish to monitor how much traffic you are getting to get a specific offer. Everything you can do is work with a following website to keep a count of the traffic. Head to the tracking website and setup the tracking link. Then just take the tracking link and have it forward by way of a URL that may forward it to the original link. Example: http://www.myprettylink.com | -> http://www.trackersite.com/track?username=1234&ad=4321 | -> http://username.myaffiliatesite.com/somefolder/anotherfolder/home?c=12345 Then domain name forwarding is the key you need, if you wish to a far more visually appealing and easier to remember URL for the long and cryptic URLs. Domain-name forwarding is a superb Website marketing approach. It gives you originality when showing an affiliate links or referral links. It'll be less ominous than the usual longer link, once the individual sees the link. Check out my reference box. Both links are forwarded to some other site.

an_article_put_some_lipstick_on_that_pig_area_name_forwarding.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2013/12/24 23:51 von noodlerun89
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