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A wonder of creation, the Galapagos Islands have caught the imagination of poets and scientists alike. Separated from the mainland in the waters of Ecuador, development developed spectacular endemic beings such as the large turtle and the sea iguana, animals discovered only on the Galapagos. The most groundbreaking work ever to be published regarding development, The Origin of Species, was based on observations made on the Galap.. The Wonderful Animals of The Galapagos Islands A question of creation, the Galapagos Islands have caught the imagination of poets and scientists alike. Separated from the mainland in the waters of Ecuador, development made gorgeous endemic beings including the sea iguana and the large turtle, animals observed only on the Galapagos. One of the most revolutionary work ever to be revealed concerning development, The Foundation of Species, was based on observations made on the Galapagos Islands by Charles Darwin. If you think you know anything at all, you will seemingly hate to discover about private expeditions limited . Pond Titicaca Lake Titicaca evokes a spiritual peace and is the most beautiful river I have ever seen. It touches the clouds at a height of 12.532 ft. (3.820 m.) with remarkable dark blue waters never seen before. Titicaca, the largest freshwater lake of South America, lies on the borders of Bolivia and Peru and hosts some amazing islands such as The Island of sunlight and The Floating Islands. Machu Picchu The Lost City of-the Incas Machu Picchu, the city of the Incas, is a mystical, sacred place. The ruins are among the most enigmatic and beautiful old ruins on the planet. Rediscovered on July 2-4, 1911 by Yale archaeologist Hiram Bingham, Machu Picchu (meaning 'Old Peak' in Quechua, the language spoken by the Incas) was considered to be a refuge for the preparation of priestesses and women for the Inca nobility. The spectacular setting in a rural area of the Peruvian Andes increases the shroud of mystery even more. To check up additional information, we recommend you check-out: private expeditions inca trail . I ask you to visit Machu Picchu The Lost City of-the Incas at www.travel-amazing-southamerica.com/machu-picchu.html. Discover more on a related portfolio - Browse this hyperlink: private expeditions limited . Patagonia Patagonia is without doubt among the most mesmerizing sites of the world. It encompasses the South of both Argentina and Chile. The name Patagonia represents 'Land of the Big Feet.' Legends say that his crew and discoverer Ferdinand Magellan saw a group of seven foot high leaders with large feet. He named the group the Patagons or big feet. It's paradise for the adventurous traveler with areas difficult to assume. To discover more, we know people check-out: private expeditions limited . Highlights are whale watching in Puerto Madryn, browsing Ushuaia (the area of-the world) and walking in Torres del Paine national park. Salar de Uyuni The big secret of South America is undoubtedly the Salar de Uyuni, the worlds greatest salt level, in Bolivia. It is the largest on earth, an unbelievable 4.025 square miles (10.500 square km.). The wonderful Fish Island (Isla Pescada) offers a great contrast with the salt lake. The salar remains in-the atacama wilderness, close to the border of Chile, with geysers, the red and green lake, warm baths and a never ceasing peace.

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